Last week, I presented a proof of concept that I worked on to our stakeholders. I did my usual thing, to present, but, this time with a lot more confidence and structure.

Where did it come from? From being part of Toastmasters.

I came to Canada as an immigrant doubting my communication skills. English is not my first language and it was probably one of the things I doubt myself a lot about. Since I am a self-improvement geek, I tried looking at how to improve it.

My goal is to be an effective communicator and public speaker that’s why I joined the club.

I am just starting my journey but my manager, as well as other people, noticed how my communication and presentation skills have improved.

I feel it too. So if you are looking for ways to become a better speaker, one thing you should look at is finding a Toastmasters near you.

Our club, Sun Life Atria Toastmasters ( is doing virtual meetings every other Thursday through Zoom and I am personally inviting you (as in anyone who is interested) to join us tomorrow, August 20, 2020, 12 PM EST. here’s the Zoom link:

Do let me know if you have any questions.

Be happy!
